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June 24, 2008


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Karen Lynch

And having you around to give us all those numbers?


Love, Karen


Hey Karen, Thanks for the best comment ever... All the best!

Nancy Puleo

When I was diagnosed with my Breast Cancer you where truly my role model. You had been through Hodgkins and Breast cancer and hey I only had one bout with cancer. Then a year later I when I was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer you were my inspiration!!!

Your support has been truly amazing!

Girl -- you rock!

Joe Cascio

I'm totally in awe of your courage in battling The Big C, not to mention your driving distance. :) I popped one about 270 earlier this year, but mostly I'm lucky to make 220. At 60 years old and at sea level, that's not too bad. :)

Roz Trieber

WOW Alicia: you are awesome. Your one of God's angels. I am following you. I've survived breast and pancreatic cancer and know there are ways to help cancer patients and their care-partners, families, and friends live and not die from this disease.

I love your blog and your outlook. Yup, life is wonderful and perfect as it is. I'm convinced living with the attitude of acceptance, presence, and trust, all of us can find the beauty and joy in any given moment of the day. Not only that, we can find ways to laugh and smile with each other and not let the "nay sayers" bring us down.

I'm writing a new book called "Cancer and the Healing Power of Play" with another cancer survivor. We are grabbing life by the horns and making music.

One of my secrets is to love everybody, even myself, evryday. I find love life giving.

Keep loving and laughing.
Roz Trieber

Matt - mmWine

Confession - I haven't had the time to get to your blog before tonight. Kick me in the a$$ next time you see me on twitter!

Realization - Everything that happens, happens for a reason.

After the bad news, or potential bad news, we got today about Robin's 4 yr old niece and the possible "L" word, we're more than a little broken up. However, reading your path, and how to walked down it successfully, has given us strength.

One thing I love about positive people, like yourself, is you help guide and motivate people to move down the path they may be stumbling on. Not everyone has the inner strength, or knows how to draw on their inner strength, until they see someone else has done it, successfully.

Thank you for your wonderful inspiration, and amazing ability to put it into words!


Am really kinda speechless... All I've had was a little Lymphoma. Compared to your experience, mine was just a 11 month vacation with a few cloudy days. Damn girl...good on you and all the best...you deserve it.
- Jason (aka Ded Ryzing)

Ward Kadel

Hello @Stales! I haven't had a chance to actually check your blog yet, but tonight is the night.


And here I thought that my mom's 2x BrCa survivor stories were bad! She would definitely agree with you Tamoxifen is a tough one to take...and it's frightening to think that many doctors don't consider it "chemo." Even my friend's father who helped develop that drug will agree...despite all of the help that it does for women with ovarian or breast cancer, we can do a lot better.
Actually, that's what I'm working on...I work on oncology drug development at Genentech. Here's hoping that all of us in cancer biotech succeed in our mission to defeat cancer!
Best of wishes...

Susan/Together We Flourish

My 36 year old son was diagnosed with colon cancer last year, stage 3. He had the suergery and the chemo and is doing fine. Buy YOU are an inspiration with your attitude. THANK YOU!

Mike (@DocHobbes)

Wow. That's intense just to read. I'm approaching five years after my last chemo this February. We have to play golf one day! : )

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Awesome Cancer Survivor Blogs

  • Women with Cancer
    An excellent place to start to read about the real life side of cancer. Jody Schoger is truly an awesome cancer survivor.
  • Chemo Babe
    I think this says it all - follow along as Chemo Babe kicks cancer! Chemo Babe is an awesome cancer survivor!

Check out: